Friday, November 5, 2010

A New Day

After a night of interupted sleep , I awoke to a nice change in the weather, children who would rather play than do school. 2 adult boys and a husband who need a healthy lunch before a long day at work, and so many unexpected trials. Homeschooling and raising 7 children after 20 years
you would think I would have developed patience. Well.....

On the upside, I did make some yummy lentil soup, which my children thought so too....

Lentil Soup

2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Carton of Chicken Broth
Sauteed onions, garlic, peppers and carrots
1 can diced tomatoes
1 link of turkey sausage
2 cups lentils
2 jalepeno peppers whole
1/2 cup quinoa

Cook for 30- 60 minutes

Yesterday went so much better... Maybe it was because I put aside that time with God
This morning I did not do that, partly because of my own lack of getting to sleep early enough and then being awakened by children... Maybe I should go take some time alone with God and see what happens.